Erdogan’s Statement on the Istanbul Protests
The main agenda in Turkey is the investigation frenzy and subsequent arrest of Ekrem İmamoğlu.. CHP Leader Özgür Özel addressed the crowd gathered in Saraçhane last night for Imamoğlu.
Özel, addressing the crowd amid occasional clashes between the police and protesters, said, “Those who want to leave here and go to Bozdoğan Kemer to clash with the police, raise your hands. Those who do not want to clash with the police, raise your hands.” The protesters raised their hands in favor of not clashing with the police. Upon this, Özel used the expression “Look at the common sense”.
A Haber served Özel’s speech halfway through on its channel. Viewers who watched the video and did not know the original version understood that Özel said ‘let’s clash with the police’. However, A Haber provocatively cut Özel’s video short.
The channel’s presenter claimed that an attack on the police resulted from this call.
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